Are high school advisors not enough?
Advising is a critical element of a student’s educational career that should be handled with intense care. Students that have experienced a lack of advising are more likely to have scheduling issues when they get to college. However, the proper guidance can facilitate an on-time graduation rather than a late graduation. According to The Center for American Progress, without suitable guidance students are more likely to take courses that doesn’t align with their goals. Click the link for more information. With high school advisors so inundated with students there is room for something to fall through the cracks. Total and complete preparation such as essay writing, mock interviews and test preparation are all apart of advising that can be overlooked within the school system due to the student counselor ratio. Private advising is highly recommended.
The National Association for College Admission Counseling and the American School Counselor Association compiled a report that spans a period of ten years 2004/5 -2014/15 showing the state by state student to counselor ratio. According to that report Georgia’s average student to counselor ratio between 2004/5 to 2014/15 ranges from 455 students to 1 counselor on up to 484 students to 1 counselor. The report also showed that an increase in counselors over the ten-year period grew by five percent, while enrollment grew by twelve percent.
Here at CNP our advisors understand the necessity of being able to help high school students transition into college or the work force successfully. We frame our advising capacity on the students’ goals, abilities and available resources. Advisors at CNP are passionate about connecting with our students. Preparing students for success beyond high school, requires insight that our advisors are equipped with. We are here to provide all your academic needs to include tutoring, advising, and mental health advising. For more information visit our website.